The Prankqueans
Founded in 2019 the Prankqueans are an ensemble of artists inspired by ancient Celtic mythology to celebrate all things female and Irish Australian. Featuring acclaimed writers, musicians, singer-songwriters and performing artists, every show offers a theme explored through the careful curation of music, dance, poetry, prose and drama.
Audiences can look forward to an immersive, emotive and highly entertaining experience inspired by the beauty of the Irish language melding ancient Celtic culture with modern Irish literature. The Prankqueans have performed at prestigious venues including the State Library of New South Wales, the Irish Embassy in Canberra, the Powerhouse Arts Centre in Casula and the Gaelic Club in Surry Hills.
Is ensemble iad na Prankqueans, a bunaíodh sa bhliain 2019, a bhfuil miotaseolaíocht ársa na gCeilteach mar inspioráid acu agus iad ag ceiliúradh na bantrachta agus an tsaoil Ghael-Astrálaigh. Ina measc tá ealaíontóirí agus oirfidigh a bhfuil mórcháil bainte amach acu .i. scríbhneoirí, ceoltóirí, cumadóirí agus taibhealaíontóirí, agus bíonn téama ar leith ag croílár gach léirithe agus é pléite agus curtha i láthair go cúramach tríd an gceol, an amhránaíocht, an bhfilíocht, an bprós agus tríd an damhsa agus drámaíocht
Féadann an lucht éisteacht bheith cinnte de go mbeidh siad i láthair ag ócáid lán mothúchán agus taitnimh, ócáid ina bhfuil seanchultúr ársa na gCeilteach agus an nualitríocht Éireannach fite fuaite ina chéile.
Go dtí seo tá seónna léirithe ag na Pranqueans in ionaid iomráiteacha ar nós an State Library of New South Wales, Ambasáid na hÉireann in Canberra, an Powerhouse Arts Centre in Casula agus ag Club na nGael/ The Gaelic Club in Surry Hills.
The Name
Brí an Ainm
We borrowed our name from James Joyce’s final masterwork, Finnegans Wake. The word prankquean appears in an episode about the Irish pirate queen, Grace O’Malley, also known as Granuaile, the Irish Sea Queen, a powerful symbol of female power and agency.
Prankquean has layers of connotations, including the following:
praushkeen: a course apron worn while sowing or gathering potatoes
práiscín: a course apron, especially one with many pockets; a bag containing potato tuber for planting
prank: trick, practical joke; frolic
prank: to dress showily; to show off
quean: a strumpet; a saucy girl
kween (Dutch) a barren cow
Shocraíomar ar ainm ár gcompántais tar éis dúinn teacht air in Finnegans Wake le James Joyce, an mórshaothar deireanach uaidh. Tá an focal prankquean luaite in eachtra faoin mbanríon Éireannach, Gráinne Ní Mháille, nó Gráinne Mhaol mar is fearr aithne í. Banríon Ghaelach na Mara í seo agus siombal láidir de chumhacht agus údarás na mban.
Is iomaí ciall agus fochiall a bhaineann leis an bhfocal Prankquean.